n 1952, Hopewell built a new church building on the north edge of Kouts
where it is located today.
From 1952 to August 16, 1954 the congregation was without a resident pastor
so much of the preaching was done by Bishop Paul Mininger of Goshen, assisted
by some lay leadership. Samuel S. Miller was called by the congregation
to become pastor.
The congregation built a parsonage for the Miller family, which was since
sold in 1994.
Additions to the present building have included a fellowship hall complete
with a foyer, kitchen, and additional restroom facilities added in 1977.
In 1994 additions were added to both sides of the sanctuary and presently
contain nursery facilities, a library, pastor's office and classrooms.
At this time the sanctuary was reversed, and the balcony removed.
In 2014 the fellowship hall was renovated to include handicap accessible